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11 jun 2010

A world of letter!

I consider myself a good lector, because, I’m always reading, not only for the university, but like a way to go learning more thing, in all field, not only of my career.
Although in this moment, I only read the texts of university, because I don’t have time for to read other thing, but when I’m of holidays I go to Library of Santiago and I borrow books in the section of literature.
I think that the books of Carlos Cuautemoc, (I don’t remember how it wrote his last name, but he’s a Mexican) for example, “Volar desde el pantano”, it changed my way of to think. I think that for all children of 13 year old, they change them ideas. There was a lot of book that I read in the school that I liked them, for example, “La Metamorfósis”, “Harry Potter”, whit this I laugh so mach, also, “La Casa de los Espíritus” of Isabel Allende, and other that in this moment I don’t remember.
I’m neither agree nor disagree whit that the paper books disappear, it always going to exist people that it will want to read in a paper books, but it can disappear the paper book with the digital format how it disappear the cassette or the diskette whit the cd whit the time, although are different things.
If the state wants to promote reading more among the peoples or the young especially, it should to eliminate the 19% of the I.V.A., and so the people will read more, besides, it will eliminate the piracy.

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