The time goes very quickly, and I'm sure that I'm not going to realize when I get my university degree of “Public Administrator” and I will be working in the public service.
Although as public administrators we can to work in the private sector, I want to work in the public sector, I think that this is the objective of the career, to work in the state and its organizations and to satisfy the demands of the citizen
In seven years I will be working in a organization that it supervise the acts of the government like the Contraloria General de la República, this is my aims in a short-term. But in a long-term I will like to continue studying, for example to do a master's degree and a doctorate in politics science or politics philosophy, or in management or public policy still I don’t decide it, but that I will do when I have labor experience, or but I will be a professional very expensive and with experience, and that in the market it doesn't work to me.
As well, I want to work in a region, or a province that it doesn't have a public administrator and therefore it is lacking of a good public service. I think that in the shortage one gain more experience, in that moments one prove all the knowledge.
I want too, to teach in a university, I will like in the school of government. Many peoples have told me and I think the same thing, is a way different of to put my knowledge into practice, different to work. Besides, I feel that is a duty whit my school to contribute with its academic excellence.