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5 jul 2010

Experiencie in my Blog

This blog has been a new experience and fun, never before had done, but since the first time I wrote I thought that could be very interesting.
I like this system of communication and of course write and discuss the various issues proposed.
I think with everything that goes with the theme of modernity, the evolution of communications over time, facilitating the review and access to information, I like to comment the situations and the different discussions through the blog, but I would have liked most to write about the soap operas because it is one of my favorite subjects and what else I talk to my friends.
Following the line, is not only fun to comment on various issues, also helped me to learn and understand better the english, for example, search for words to form sentences, translate, has been very beneficial to be able to beat in this area and have a syntax according to what they wish to convey
The english classes with this system are very different, besides being more entertaining, much faster helped me to understand and comprehend a language that used to be hard for me. I believe that when teaching in a more entertaining and not as formal as we usually see is learned better and faster, for me it was very interesting.
But what I liked most was to read the comments of others realize their views, to know through them, correcting my own views about the subject or even the same person, but always respecting any comments and point of view but not like mine.

29 jun 2010

My aims and my professional future

The time goes very quickly, and I'm sure that I'm not going to realize when I get my university degree of “Public Administrator” and I will be working in the public service.
Although as public administrators we can to work in the private sector, I want to work in the public sector, I think that this is the objective of the career, to work in the state and its organizations and to satisfy the demands of the citizen
In seven years I will be working in a organization that it supervise the acts of the government like the Contraloria General de la República, this is my aims in a short-term. But in a long-term I will like to continue studying, for example to do a master's degree and a doctorate in politics science or politics philosophy, or in management or public policy still I don’t decide it, but that I will do when I have labor experience, or but I will be a professional very expensive and with experience, and that in the market it doesn't work to me.
As well, I want to work in a region, or a province that it doesn't have a public administrator and therefore it is lacking of a good public service. I think that in the shortage one gain more experience, in that moments one prove all the knowledge.
I want too, to teach in a university, I will like in the school of government. Many peoples have told me and I think the same thing, is a way different of to put my knowledge into practice, different to work. Besides, I feel that is a duty whit my school to contribute with its academic excellence.

11 jun 2010

A world of letter!

I consider myself a good lector, because, I’m always reading, not only for the university, but like a way to go learning more thing, in all field, not only of my career.
Although in this moment, I only read the texts of university, because I don’t have time for to read other thing, but when I’m of holidays I go to Library of Santiago and I borrow books in the section of literature.
I think that the books of Carlos Cuautemoc, (I don’t remember how it wrote his last name, but he’s a Mexican) for example, “Volar desde el pantano”, it changed my way of to think. I think that for all children of 13 year old, they change them ideas. There was a lot of book that I read in the school that I liked them, for example, “La Metamorfósis”, “Harry Potter”, whit this I laugh so mach, also, “La Casa de los Espíritus” of Isabel Allende, and other that in this moment I don’t remember.
I’m neither agree nor disagree whit that the paper books disappear, it always going to exist people that it will want to read in a paper books, but it can disappear the paper book with the digital format how it disappear the cassette or the diskette whit the cd whit the time, although are different things.
If the state wants to promote reading more among the peoples or the young especially, it should to eliminate the 19% of the I.V.A., and so the people will read more, besides, it will eliminate the piracy.

8 jun 2010

Gender and the State

In the world of the c.xx, women has prominence very important, since they went into in the world of the work during the sixties, or in chile, they went into in politics when she had the right to vote during the fifties.
In this way, they started to demand equality in the treatment intro men and women in all field, like in the work, politics, civil; but specially in labour law.
Therefore, it was necessary to legislate about this topic. So, the state started to generate public policies to help to reach equal rights between men and women in society.
Public policies is a way of the state to represent its behavior before social problems.
One thing is that the public policies in the paper want to reach equal rights between men and women in society, and other thing is thatin the practice can to do.
Although in Chile there was a president woman between 2006-2010, still there are much to do.
I think there aren't similar opportunities for both, men and women, for example: a man have a salary greater that a woman in the similar job, the maternity is a problem for the employer when
he hire a woman, between other things .

20 may 2010


For me the better piece of technology in the world is Camera! Camera is a technological device used to take photograph. Some people say that used for the art to capture memories. I think that camera is used to remember important time or events of the life. One always is taking photos to have memories when one leave whit friends, family, for graduations, birthday, marriages, etc. When it left for first time, the photo were taken in black and white. But now, the photos were taken in colour. Also, now camera are digital format, that is to say, It is not necesary to develop the photograph , but one can to move the photo since camera at the pc and to keep the photo right there. I don't have a camera, but I ask to borrow my cousin, my friends or someone that has a camera. I like to take myself photos. I like to have memories of each important  thing that I do, to see the evolution in my life, for later to show my memories my grandchildren. But if there were no cameras, I think there would be other ways to keep the memories.  

18 may 2010

The Films and me!

I think that films are a good way to relax, and to have more imagination. When one is tired, and just want to relax , the better is to see films of cartoons, because these films make you laugh, and one can to forget for a moment problems, for example Sherk. There are others that are for the imagination like film of science fiction for example "El quinto elemento". In reality, there are films that suit all tastes. Personally speaking, I like films of mystery, epic, romantic, humor. The better films that I see is Corazon Valiente of Mel Gibson, El Gladiador, Batman: el caballero de la noche, El Patriota, Iron Man, among other films that I don't remember. I like to see films of action in the cinema, I like the way the effects sound. In my house I see films when I don't have money to go the cinema. I see films in internet, or I buy it in the street.
Wiht the film that I cried it was Patch Adams,(is a films based on a true story) the doctor that changed the way of to practice the medicine in the world, because his intentions was good, He worry for the person.

30 abr 2010

The Earthquake

The Saturday february 27th I was in the beach, in Quinteros, with my sisters and friends. We were in the living of the house in a party, when the earth started to shake. In Quinteros was six degrees on the Richter Scale. I didn’t live a earthquake, I only lived a tremor. But I had afraid that will start a tsunami. We run to the street and when finished the tremor we went to see the sea, but it was quiet. The house was near of a ravine y since there we saw the sea. I thought it was only in Quinteros, but when my mom called me after 3 hours and she told me very desperate that there was in Santiago an earthquake of eight degrees on the Richter Scale, I understood the magnitude of the tragedy. The next day I came to Santiago with my sisters and friends.

Who can live without it?

Music is for me an expresion of the soul. There are peoples that its life depend of this. Music in my life plays a very important role , because it drives me to a world without problems, is a company when I feel alone.
The most of the time I listen rock, but I listen other kind of music too, for example romantic, salsa, etc. The kind of music that I listen depend of my temper.
Generaly, I obtain music since internet. I download music across of "Ares". Is a program that download music, films, photos, ect. With Ares can download it everything. I don't buy in the shop because the discs are very expensive, and I'm a student without economic resource
I don't like the group or single. I think that the music don't depend of its writer. Are two differents thing for me. But there is a single very good: Ricardo Arjona. Although it is said that he hit his wife, I like his song and I don’t interest his life.

When I’m studing I don’t like to listen music, because I distract and I can’t to concentrate. When I’m happy I listen a bit of everything, but almost always I listen Rock, or Heavy Metal, some songs I listen are of group like Metallica, Nirvana, Guns and Roses, etc. Also I listen romantic music in english or spanish of singles like Chayanne, Ricardo Arjona, Bon Jovi, etc. Nacional music is good too, of groups like Los Tres, Chancho en Piedra, etc. Really I listen of everything. But when I’m sad or I’m stressed I listen only Rock and Metal or similar music. For me the music is only an accompaniment, there are other things more important, like my family or my studies or my life itself.